Testers And Maps

Karlo Smid
1 min readJun 2, 2020


Software testers and maps go together a long way back. This post was triggered by this excellent post The thing about maps by Seth Godin.

The punchline of Seth’s post is that people sometimes refuse using a map. This is also true for software testers. I have seen a lot of software testers that ignored good training advice by not taking BBST courses. Instead, they pursue the dream of better pay by investing a lot of time in so-called testing automation. The result is that those testers are lost by doing inadequate testing.

BBST Course is a map that will remind them that they are lousy software testers. BBST Course will not make you instantly better software tester, but it will definitely help in that journey.

Software development is hard. Software testing is hard. Because you need to learn a lot to master those practices. When we deal as software testers with the unknown, it is difficult to admit that there is a map. In that case, you need to use a compass (a mentor) that will lead you to the true north.

Originally published at https://blog.tentamen.eu on June 2, 2020.

