How To Use Elm-Json-Decode-Pipeline Package — Tentamen Software Testing Blog
In the previous post, we learned about the practical usage of the Elm pipe operator. Today we will use elm-json-decode-pipeline package to safely decode JSON from a String. This post is part of the functional language series, and it is based on a remarkable book, Programming Elm Build Safe and Maintainable Front-End Applications by Jeremy Fairbank.
Decode A Object
Using just Elm-REPL and Elm JSON Decode and Pipeline modules, we are going to write a simple JSON decoder that, as input, takes JSON string.
Remember, decodeString
is a function that does heavy work of decoding. With string
function, decodes JSON String into Elm String. You can recognize JSON string by symbols \{}: "
With bool
function decodes JSON boolean value into Elm boolean. succeed
the function returns Ok
with the input parameter.
function from Pipeline
the module is exciting. It would decode input value, while we need to set input value JSON type.
Do not forget to start elm repl
from the picshare folder. Otherwise, Pipeline will not be found.
Next, we need a record that describes our data. We have softwareTester
function with name
and automation
attributes. In the end, we create softwareTesterDecoder
Our softwareTesterDecoder
on successful decoding, returns softwareTeser
. For successful decoding, the decoder requires in JSON string two attributes, name
and automation
. name
is String, while automation
is bool. We first made three unsuccessful decodings (Karlo was not terminated with a closing "
and JSON True
is the wrong value) and the final try was successfull.
- the purpose of JSON.Pipeline module
- how to use
to create a JSON decoder.
Originally published at on November 27, 2020.